Dear GAI ******i,
Our concerns about your temporary entry class visa
We have received information that may impact on your visitor visa application and may lead to its cancellation.
***Please note you are not permitted to travel to New Zealand on your recently issued NZ Visa unless these concerns are satisfactorily resolved***
We have further conducted verification and its outcome raised concerns on the genuineness on the employment information you have submitted in support of this application. We therefore have concerns that you do not meet the requirements under Generic Temporary Entry instructions.
We have not yet made a decision on this matter. We invite you to make comments or to provide further information in response to our concerns.
You may provide further information by 20/02/2019
If you make further comments or provide more information, it must be sent to this office by
翻译了一下大概意思,是对我的资料不是很满意,认为我工作的证明不够充分。我按电邮的地址回复邮件并附加了我的公会会员证、社保卡。第二天收到邮件,说是核查小组会在两个工作日内会致电给我。14号直到今天,除掉双休日今天是18号,两个工作日已经过了啊,没有邮件没有电话!心想这几天过了也没有消息,就在“签证在线核查网站”自己查下结果,记得周日查的时候我的签证信息都在。今天在查的时候不知道哪里输错了,三次后提示我“核查签证信息的服务账户锁定”之后我的帐户登录后没有查询的连接了,现在是有点蒙。不知道怎么办好,结果也不知道,请问有人遇到类似的问题吗? 核查帐户被锁定后我应该怎么办? 现在两个工作日过去了,我依然没有得到任何消息告诉我我的签证现在是什么状态,又该怎么办?打电话我的英语水平应该是无法沟通了,难道就一个办法.....等?
2019-02-18 15:02:18