不论是商务还是休闲旅客,卡萨库塞尼,联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产都能让您的陶尔米纳之行变得更加美好而难忘。旅客们会发现Ex Chiesa del Carmine di Taormina、Taormina Glass Gallery和Museo Siciliano di Arti e Tradizioni Popolari距离酒店都不远。客房内的所有设施都是经过精心的考虑和安排,包括房内保险箱、空调和衣柜/衣橱,满足您入住需求的同时又能增添家的温馨感。有饮水需求的旅客,酒店还为您提供了电热水壶。除此之外,配备有拖鞋和吹风机的浴室是您消除一天疲劳的好地方。在空闲的时候,去酒吧喝杯饮品放松一下是不错的选择。如果旅客想在自己的房间舒适的用餐,酒店可提供客房服务。在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,Le Mimose di Falanga e Santamaria(意大利菜)、Osteria Nero D'avola(意大利菜)和Andreas Restaurant(地中海菜)也许是可以让您找到答案的地方。优美的环境,再搭配上细致周到的服务,酒店的休闲区定能满足您的品质需求。酒店的会议厅将热情的服务与专业的素质完美地结合在一起。外国旅客可以通过多国语言工作人员了解当地风土人情的相关信息。
这个小城堡非常有韵味,历史悠久。管家特别热心特别幽默,一入住就带我们参观主人家的珍贵艺术品和房子的历史。房间的视野非常好,可以看到蔚蓝的海水和喷发的火山。晚上坐在城堡的小院子里欣赏喷发的火山,真的很奇妙!自助早餐也很丰富,服务也很好。 This castle has a long history. The host is warm-hearted and humorous. He showed us the precious collections and the history of the house. The room has a very nice view of the see and the volcano. The breakfast is variable and the service is thoughtful. It was the most fantastic experience in my life when I sat in the terrace and watched the erupting volcano ! 门和家具有些旧,使用有点不方便。The door and the furniture are a little bit old.
房间的景观超棒,很安静 从巴士站出来跟着导航走了很久才到,还都是坡路拖着行李很费劲,应该提示坐橙色巴士可达
This castle has a long history. The host is warm-hearted and humorous. He showed us the precious collections and the history of the house. The room has a very nice view of the see and the volcano. The breakfast is variable and the service is thoughtful. It was the most fantastic experience in my life when I sat in the terrace and watched the erupting volcano ! 门和家具有些旧,使用有点不方便。The door and the furniture are a little bit old.