旅客若想住在吉隆坡的唐人街,那么1915吉隆坡酒店将会是一个便捷的选择。金马区站位于距离该酒店大约100m的地方。著名的景点嘉美清真寺、Lo Ming Hua和The River of Life均可步行很短距离到达。酒店对客房的装饰十分考究,每间设施齐全的客房都配备有熨衣设备、房内保险箱和空调。服务人员会提前为您准备好电热水壶和咖啡壶/茶壶,以满足您的饮水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天后想在自己的客房内放松,提供24小时热水和吹风机的客房浴室是不错的选择。旅客想要在自己的房间边听音乐边享受美食,只需呼叫送餐服务。除此之外,周边餐饮种类繁多。旧街场咖啡(东南亚菜)供应一流的推荐美味-咖喱鸡,Fuego at Troika Sky Dining(拉美料理)提供的chermoula chicken备受好评,Nobu(日本料理)的';squid pasta'; in light garlic sauce也是来这里游玩不容错过的美味。酒店提供的休闲设施,旨在为旅客营造多姿多彩、奢华完美的住宿体验。酒店配备有商务中心,可供旅客使用。提供干洗服务,为您的旅途省心。
别住这家酒店,床上有长头发和短发 都不整理干净 还很脏很乱虫子很多,住了几天全身过敏长红点如图 像跳蚤一样 很红很痒 回国后准备去看皮肤科,最过分的是 马蜂窝明明显示10马币额外费用一晚 到店后被告知要求刷190马币 两个房间 沟通不了 全程很冷漠就一句英文会回答我们所有问题 (因为我们不是马来西亚人所以要交费用),这就算了 刚进房间 房间小的转不了身 厕所的热水器是全世界最小的如图, 而且没有热水 全部是冷水 关了,厕所的水龙头还生锈了 第一次入住国外的酒店是这样的糟糕体验。答应我有幸看到这个评论的话 千万别浪费钱来体验。
Do not live in this hotel, with long hair and short hair, not clean, very dirty, very messy, very messy, many days, after a few days, a whole body is allergic to a flea like a flea and is itchy to go back to the Department of dermatology. The most important thing is that the Hornet's nest clearly shows that the extra cost of 10 Ma coins is told to ask for the 190 horse one night. Two rooms can not communicate with each other. It is very cold. One English will answer all our questions (because we are not from Malaysia, so we have to pay the cost). It's the smallest figure in the world, even if the water heater that just enters the room is the smallest in the world, and no hot water is all cold water.
Do not live in this hotel, with long hair and short hair, not clean, very dirty, very messy, very messy, many days, after a few days, a whole body is allergic to a flea like a flea and is itchy to go back to the Department of dermatology. The most important thing is that the Hornet's nest clearly shows that the extra cost of 10 Ma coins is told to ask for the 190 horse one night. Two rooms can not communicate with each other. It is very cold. One English will answer all our questions (because we are not from Malaysia, so we have to pay the cost). It's the smallest figure in the world, even if the water heater that just enters the room is the smallest in the world, and no hot water is all cold water.